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The 1st Asian Fitness and Health Conference and Expo 2008

L-Men work with IFPA (International Fitness Professionals Association) has managed to establish an event that became a new history in the fitness industry in Indonesia. Event which took place on 17-19 October at Balai Kartini Jakarta itself consists of conferences, exhibitions and courses bersetifikat followed by hundreds of participants from various countries of Asia and Australia. read more...

L-Men of The Year

L-Men of The Year aimed to inspire Indonesian men in achieving quality living by the right nutrition pattern and regular workouts. read more...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Simple Steps To Bulging Biceps And Horseshoe Triceps

It's no secret that every serious lifter out there desires an impressive pair of strong, muscular arms. Who wouldn't be happy with tall, peaking biceps sitting on top of rock-hard, horse-shoe-shaped triceps? Who wouldn't love to have a pair of ripped, well-developed guns forcefully bursting through the sleeves of their shirt? While developing muscular arms is usually at the top of many peoples agenda, the reality is that the majority of lifters out there have a very poor understanding of how to properl y train their arms for maximum gains. In order to gain the proper insight into effectively stimulating arm growth, we must first recognize three basic truths:

1) Relatively speaking, the biceps and triceps are small muscle groups.
2) The biceps receive heavy stimulation during all basic pulling movements for the back.
3) The triceps receive heavy stimulation during all basic pressing movements for the chest and shoulders.

What do these 3 points tell us about effective arm training? The most important thing for you to realize is this:

For maximum gains in muscle size and strength, the biceps and triceps require only a very small amount of direct stimulation!

So why is it that every time I enter the gym I see the same misinformed people, week in and week out, slaving away on endless sets of bicep curls and tricep extensions?

It's very important to understand that the biceps and triceps receive a very large amount of stimulation from all of your chest and back training. In fact, a lot of the time when you reach muscular failure on a chest or back movement, it is actually your biceps or triceps that give out first! Couple this with the fact that your biceps and triceps are already small muscle groups to begin with and it becomes quite clear that direct arm training is of minor importance.

Remember, your muscles do not grow in the gym. The work that you accomplish as you train with weights is merely the spark, that sets the wheels of the muscle growth process into moti on. The real magic takes place out of the gym while you are resting and eating, as this is the time when your body will actually be synthesizing new muscle tissue. Because of this, it is vital that you do not overtrain your muscles. You must always make sure to provide them with sufficient recovery time if you want to see impressive results. Overtraining can actually make your muscles smaller and weaker.

If you're looking to achieve serious arm growth, you must stop placing so much emphasis on direct arm movements. Forget about performing endless sets of concentration curls and tricep pressdowns. Strong, muscular arms are mostly a product of heavy chest and back training. If you are able to accept this basic truth and place the majority of your focus on building up the muscle size and strength in your major muscle groups, you will prevent yourself from overtraining your arms and will therefore yield greater overall gains in bicep and tricep size.

This is not to say that no direct arm training is necessary, just not very much. Here is a sample arm routine that you can use as a part of your program:

Barbell Curls : 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls : 1 set of 5-7 reps

Close-Grip Bench Press : 2 sets of 5-7 reps
Standing Cable Pushdowns : 1 set of 5-7 reps

Take all sets to complete muscular failure and focus on progressing each week by using slightly more weight or performing an extra rep or 2.

If you can incorporate this way of thinking into your arm trainin g, you will achieve arm size beyond anything you previously thought possible!

Stay Fit By Exercising Regularly

A regular exercise program is a key component to keep fit at all times. It is beneficial when we grow older. If you are obese you stand a greater chance of developing diseases like heart problems, hypertension, strokes, breathing problems or sleep apnea. Hence, eating the right type of food is also important along with exercises.

It is important for you to exactly know how fat you are. You may have excessive fat on the hips or buttocks, which is known as ?pear fat?, or if you develop excessive wei ght around the waist it is termed as ?apple fat?. Being apple fat is a greater worry to your health because you are at high risk for diseases like diabetes, cancer or heart problems. If your waist area measures more than 35 inches, then you are ?apple fat?. If you measure both the sides of hip and waist then divide both the measurements and if it exceeds more than 0.8 you need to work harder to burn the extra weight.

Physical training helps improve the bone structure. It prevents many problems such a s bone cracks, osteoporosis etc. It also makes your bones stronger along with strengthening the muscles. To make your body fit within a shorter period; it is better to practice both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises shed your excessive weight where as the anaerobic ones build your muscular strength. In order to perform your anaerobic exercises, it would be better to start with a few slow aerobic exercises. If you are start an exercise program begin with aerobic exercises for a few days an d then gradually start anaerobic exercises. Before beginning any fitness program consult your physician.

Strength Training Tips

For a complete healthy lifestyle, you must include strength training into your weekly schedule.

There are many benefits to strength training, including increased muscle mass, bone strength, and fat burning ability.

However, these are only side benefits. The main objective to strength training is to keep your body strong and able as long as possible throughout your lifespan.

Below are some strength training tips that you should follow.

Strength training tip 1 - strength train o ften
Maintaining your strength requires that you perform strength training sessions often, and to be consistent. You don't have to strength train everyday, but don't go weeks between sessions. Performing each session 1 or 2 days apart is sufficient.

Strength training tip 2 - warm up before your each session
Before you put your body into action, you need to prep your muscles and joints properly. Perform a light warm up session to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your muscles and loos en your joints. This helps increase performance and prevent injuries. To warm up, do some light cardio exercise for five to ten minutes. Alternatively, using very light weights, you can perform 3 sets of 10 reps with primary muscles that are going to be used.

Strength training tip 3 - stretch
To further enhance performance and prevent injury, you should stretch your muscles before, during, and after your strength training sessions. Lifting is only one part of strength training. The other p art of strength training is flexibility. Many people ignore the flexibility aspect of strength training because it is not as apparent as hoisting up weights. However, if you only concentrate on the lifting aspect, you only strengthen the muscles in one direction. By not strengthening your muscles in the other direction by stretching, you can pull or tear them, causing a lot of damage. After your warm up, stretch your primary muscles until you feel loose enough to begin your session. Stretch in between sets to stay lose, and stretch after your session for proper recovery.

Strength training tip 4 - perform multi-muscle, multi-joint exercises first
The best way to start your workout is to start with the core lifts. These lifts, such as the bench press, pull up, and squat, involve the movement of many muscles and joints in the same routine. Because of this, and the fact that you can actually lift more weight with these routines, they provide the most muscle building potential. Doing these lifts first also prevents injury because it ensures that all muscles involved are fresh and are able to balance the weight properly. Doing tricep extensions before bench presses for example, is extremely dangerous. Your shoulders and chest may be able to bear the weight, but your triceps may be too weak, causing you to drop the bar on your chest (This is exactly what happened to me when I first started out). So remember, do core lifts first and isolation lifts after.

Strength training tip 5 - take a to tal body approach and shun spot training
Balance is key. This is probably the golden rule of strength training. Many people make the mistake of over emphasizing one part of the body. They say things like, "all I want to do is work on my abs." This not only can lead to having a body that looks out of proportion, but can also lead to serious injury. For example, if you strength train your abs but ignore your back, you can eventually pull or tear your back muscles on one of your ab sessions, or when p icking something up. Another common mistake people make is do leg extensions to strengthen the quadriceps (front of the leg), but not do leg curls to strengthen the hamstrings (back of the leg). This often leads to a pulled or torn hamstring when they run, or simply overstrides when walking. If you're going to strength train, you must take the total body approach. The muscle groups that you have to be concerned with are the neck, chest, back, abs, and legs. You can do a total body workout every other day, or concentrate on one or two muscle groups each day.

Strength training tip 6 - perform 3 sets of 10 reps
This means that you'll lift a weight 10 times, which will equal 1 set, rest for a minute or two, then repeat the process until you complete 3 sets. This is a general rule of course, as it provides your muscles with a balance between strength training, endurance training, toning, and sizing. Some people like to concentrate on building strength and size by adding more weight and performin g less reps, 5 for example. Some people like to concentrate on toning and endurance training by lifting less weight and performing many reps, 15-20 for example. If you're just starting out, use the 3 x 10 rule. There's no need to get fancy at this time.

Strength training tip 7 - use proper breathing techniques
When strength training, your body has an increased need for oxygen. This is especially true during a set, when the muscles are being fatigued with each rep. To provide your body with a fresh supply oxygen, breathe in on the way down (the lengthening part), and out on the way up (the shortening part). Don't ever hold your breath, as it may cause you to faint, or it may cause a hernia from the pressure.

Strength training tip 8 - quality is better than quantity
To train your muscles properly, you need to perform high quality reps. Many people think that the more reps they do the better. However, this may not be necessarily true. Take the people who do hundreds of sit ups , say 250 for example, to get that six pack. Many times, they just want to get the set over with, so they do fast, incomplete, out of form, poor quality reps. After a couple weeks of this approach they see little or no results. They could have saved themselves lots of time and energy by doing 25 high quality reps instead. When strength training, perform your reps slowly. Go all the way up on a 3 second count, squeeze at the top, and all the way down on another 3 second count. Don't swing, and concentrate o n using only the muscles that the lift was intended for. Finally, remember to use proper breathing techniques.

Strength training tip 9 - get enough rest and replenish
Some experts say that strength training is not so much a matter of lifting a ton of weight as it is a matter of the body's ability to recover. In a way, this may be true. Here's what I mean: when you strength train, you create micro-tears in your muscles. Also, lactic acid builds up in the muscles, which causes the normal sor eness and tightness after a workout. When the body is allowed to repair itself after each workout, it in essence "becomes stronger" by repairing and building over micro-tears with more muscle, and increasing its ability to remove lactic acid from the body. To allow your body to recover, you must give yourself enough time to rest and replenish. Take a day off in between sessions. Get some sleep, drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of complex carbs and protein.

The Power of Learning to Breathe Properly

Breathing is a continuous activity in the life of man. Man can live without other basic needs, but cannot stay without the presence of oxygen. Usually breathing is performed without paying any attention to it; however, attention is required to control it.

Pranayam is the best form of controlling breath. When you breathe oxygen enters your lungs and stimulates all the organs in the body. This procedure indicates that you are alive. When this function stops you happen to cease.

But it is very essential to breathe in the right mode because it influences every organ in the body. Therefore when we consume cigarettes we inhale carbon dioxide and when this quantity becomes excess in the body it is really poisonous.

Through pranayam we learn to breathe slowly. Therefore we can easily retain the oxygen for a longer duration. It brings calmness to the mind. When we breathe through our nostrils both the spheres of the brain are stimulated.

There is a simple exercise that can be practiced rig ht now. Take a deep breath and hold your stomach and push it. Or else you can inhale the air through your nose while breathing deeply and emit the air through the mouth.

Deep breathing provides many benefits when compared to other exercise programs. You can do it anywhere and anytime, for example, you can do it when you are sitting in front of the PC, in a classroom etc. It is a good exercise for removing stress from your life.

The Truth About Defining Your Abs and Abdominal Area The Secret Is In The Food

Since it's almost summer again I'm sure many people are out looking for ways to get that great six-pack developed. The problem with this is that you can't just decide a few months ahead that you are going try to get your abs moving now. This has to be a priority in your life at all times. Depending where you are at physically you need at least 3-6 months of dietting and intense training.

I would say that abs are 80% diet and 20% exercise. What you have to do is plan a good schedule. You have to know when you have free time and when you are not available. Another thing you have to lower your overall stress (students, laborers, etc) because you will not subject yourself to a steady diet if you are highly stressful. Trust me, I speak from experience. So that aside, I think everyone with some motivation can get their abs to appear and in some cases make them defined to the point that they should be receiving calls from fitness magazines!

Ok so the first step would be to get your eating pl an. In order for this to work you have to determine your weight, goal weight, and body fat. Usually males need to be lower than 10% BodyFat to reveal their abs and women need to be lower than about 17% BodyFat. A good healthy diet would consists foods such as:

-100% whole grains (cereal, bread, etc)
-Lean Meats (chicken, tuna)
-Green Vegetables (green peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach)
-Nuts and Seeds (peanuts, almonds)
-Natural Peanut Butter
-Cottage Cheese

Sticking to a diet is quite possibly the hardest part about developing abs. A good rule of thumb is to take in 10-12x your weight in calories per day. Most people eat a few large meals per day which lowers your metabolism. Healthy dieters will eat 5-6 meals per day to keep their metabolism at top speeds, burning more fat. Also, a major factor for losing fat is drinking a lot of water. Multply your weight by .66 and this is how much water you should take in in ounces per day.

As for supplements

A good supplement to take is Whey Protein. This is easily absorbed by the human body and generates a lot of fat loss while increasing the speed of your metabolism. This also helps build muscle after every work out so that your muscles will be available faster the next time you work out. I'll also recommend Flaxseed oil as a supplement. There's been some reports that claim flaxseed oil helps burn fat much faster. I personally use this and believe it works great.


Beginners will want to take it easy and start with regular situps and crunches. As you develope your ab strength you can move up the next level and start doing weighted situps. Begin by putting 5 pound weights on each hand resting on your chest and do situps that way, about 4 sets of 20 to start. As time progresses you'll eventually be able to do 4 sets of 50 with 15 pound weights on each hand!


In between your sets it's a major plus to be stretching your abdominal area by laying on your stomach and doing a superman pose with your arms and legs up as high as possible. Another good stretch is laying on your forearms at 90 degress and keeping that pose for as long as 1:30secs.

I'm in really good shape after doing different routines similar to the above statements for about 6 months. I was in average shape but it took a little longer because I was on and off my diet.

These are the basics for losing bodyfat and getting in shape for summer and to reveal your abs, that's righ t, reveal them. Everyone has abs, they just aren't viewable yet! Don't worry, don't stress, anyone and everyone can have the body they want with time, effort, and discipline. Remember, it's just a matter of time before you get what you have always dreamed of!

Good luck! Best Wishes!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Three Benefits of Exercising on a Mini Trampoline or Rebounder

1. The jumping up and down motion involved in exercising on a rebounder is the best way to stimulate your lymphatic (immune) system. Your body?s lymph system consists of tubes containing lymphatic fluid. The tubes have one-way valves built into them. Each bounce opens and closes these valves, causing the lymphatic fluid to be pumped and circulated properly. Exercising on a mini trampoline is by far the best way to improve the lymphatic system. It is highly recommended for cancer patients and anyone with a suppressed immune system.

2. Exercising on a rebounder strengthens every cell in your body, not just a few of them. At the top of each bounce, your body experiences a brief moment of weightlessness. At the bottom of each bounce, your body experiences two to four times the normal gravitational pull. The forces of acceleration and deceleration stress every cell, which causes them to strengthen. Therefore, your skin, organs and muscles you are not even aware of are being strengthened by the bouncing action of exercising on a mini trampoline.

3. Bouncing on a rebounder will also make your bones stronger. Astronauts that were in a state of weightlessness for several weeks at a time, lost both muscle strength and bone density. Without the pull of gravity, muscles wither and atrophy and bones become weaker and less dense. NASA found that by exercising on mini trampolines upon returning to earth, the astronauts could safely and quickly rebuild the muscle strength and bone density they had lost. Being inactive or sedentary by sitting or laying most of the day will have the same effect on our bodies that weightlessness does. Rebounding is highly recommended for osteoporosis.

Uses for Elliptical Gym Equipment

As far as home gym equipment goes you may find that elliptical gym equipment is the most fun. Elliptical is a shortened term for elliptical motion something you may have come across on home gym equipment reviews. Elliptical motion equipment repeats one motion over and over to simulate an activity such as walking or running. Two pieces of elliptical equipment that you may be familiar with are the rowing machine and the stair climber. There are also ellipticals that simulate skiing, and cycling

Many people find that ellipticals are very fun and just as effective at getting you up to your target heart rate while exercising. The fun primarily comes in due to the ellipticals mechanical design which allows you to complete your motions fluidly over and over. This also creates less stress on your joints and muscles compared to the stress you may feel during a jog or stair climbing due to the repetitive pounding of your feet against a hard surface.

There are also pieces of home gym equipment called e lliptical cross trainers. These trainers are designed to provide a full body workout with one simple machine. This can make your workout routine faster and it can help you to burn more calories.

The elliptical home gym equipment may be a lifesaver for those suffering from bone and joint problems. If you have arthritis or stress fractures you can still use elliptical equipment to exercise and maintain muscle mass. The ellipticals smooth motion and ease of use will go a long way towards easing pain exp erienced from workout routines. You can find out what other people think about ellipticals online at one of the many home gym equipment reviews sites.

When reading reviews, be sure it covers the entire machine form quality of parts used to warranty to the user experience.




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